Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Loss of Hair Color, Dry and Brittle Hair Could Be a Lack of Much Needed Minerals

For the last couple of years my hair has been turning blond. It's really mostly in the back. At first I thought that the whole thing was turning blond, and I was kind of happy about it. I have never been a blond before. Well, the whole think didn't turn blond - instead I have streaks of blond, and those streaks are really dry and brittle. I suspect, after studying, that it is a thyroid disorder. In fact, the last time that I went to the doctor she tested my blood, but I have never been back to get the results. I don't use any chemicals on my hair other than shampoo and conditioner. No hair spray, no mousse, no gel, no nothing, so it's not that my hair is burnt up for those reasons.

Here is a photo of the back of my head.


Here is a photo, which shows more of the hair toward the bottom. My hair is really quite long.


It really looks here like my hair is white-streaked, and some of it is, but most of it is blond-streaked. Here is a closeup of one of the streaks so that you can tell.


Well the point is that there is something wrong with me medically. I am going to go to the doctor again soon to get my results, but I think I am going to also have her test my levels of copper, magnesium and selenium - especially my copper. What I have been diagnosed with as asthma could actually be lack of copper. Here's why.  This website (which I highly recommend you look at)  says that lack of copper can cause difficulty breathing among other serious disorders. It says to get more copper into your diet to eat things like cashews, navy beans, lentils and things like that, so pretty soon I am going to try to up my intake of these since I eat very few of them.

This is also another excellent website pertaining to vitamins and minerals.

Kimberly ♥

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