Sunday, July 25, 2010

Day Thirty Five of My Health Journey

Wow! I finally hit the 16 pound mark! I am so excited! As much raw foods as I eat one would think I would be as thin as a rail, but any amount of cooked food keeps me up there. That's why during this whole month I have been yo-yoing back and forth. I haven't eaten many sweets at all. On the Fourth of July weekend I had the deep dish apple pie, and last week I made the oatmeal crunch thing, and one day I made some home-made ice cream (which I still have one serving of that still in the freezer), but I don't know. I guess it's just the meat, the little bit of bread and the cooked vegetables that does it. I am ready to move on! I am in the mood for LOTS of fruits, but this is the time of month when our funds start running pretty low, so I don't know if we will have to wait a few days to do that or not. But anyway, I am excited that I have FINNALY lost sixteen pounds!

Fri-day I mentioned that I didn't eat anything all day - up to when I posted the blog, and I did not know if my husband and I were going to do a water fast or not, as we had talked about it, so I did not know what he would come home with in his hands, and he came home with chicken. We had fried chicken, green beans, mashed potatoes and corn.


That's all that we had Fri-day. Satur-day after the Sabbath we had the same, except minus the green beans.In front of the chicken is a clove of garlic and some garlic peelings.


And then late Satur-day night, or should I saw Sun-day morning we had spaghetti made only of pasta and sauce.


As for today, I have only had a little bown of soup. My husband saved the bones from the chicken that we had yesterday and used the to make a little soup. It contained a minute amount of chicken, celery and pepper. These were the main ingredients, but of course, he added some spices and things. It was not his best soup! I don't like soup with bones in it. I like to eat something, which is ready for me to put in my mouth without having to spit out bones, but I told you we are hard up this time of the month, LOL. Well, I am just glad that YHVH (God) provides! We could have nothing. All of our blessings come from Him. Here's the soup.


I don't know what we will have tonight. My husband does must of the shopping, because things are so high on this island. I hope it's something healthy and nutritious that will be the beginning of another sixteen pounds lost.

Kimberly ♥

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