Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Day Thirty Seven of My Health Journey and Info on Food Additives

Well today I have been very hungry, and I know why. For the past several days I really haven't been eating breakfast, and so today while my husband had a fried egg and bread I had a banana. I do better, if I am not going to eat one meal, not even eating so much as a banana, because when I feed my hunger it comes back stronger.

Sun-day, besides only having the bowl of chicken bone soup, which I wrote about, I had 1 3/4 sandwiches. My husband came home with a few slices of bread, so we each had a sandwich, and I was still hungry so we made one more and I wanted to halve it with him, but he insisted no. I talked him into at least eating 1/4 of it, so while I had my 1 3/4 he had 1 1/4.

The sandwiches were either chicken or turkey (I am not sure which, American cheese and cilantro.


I did pretty good, considering that was all I ate all day Sun-day. 

On Monday, while my husband had the last piece of bread, served as 1/2 of a grilled cheese sandwich...


I had a glass of Welch's grape juice.


I wanted to show you my George Foreman grill too. I love this thing! It is excellent for making grilled sandwiches. Right up above you can see the inside of the grill, but here's the outside.


The blue lid opens up to reveal a place, where you can keep your buns/rolls/bread warm if you are cooking a meat inside the grill.


I love to cook my meats in here, because the grease runs off and it is so much healthier than frying. My husband hates it because it also removes all the juices, and makes the meat dry. However, we did have chicken made in the grill last night, which I will show you.

I took two views of the plate. I could not decide which one to post. We had grilled chicken, corn on the cob and green beans, along with a couple of slices of Italian bread. I really like my corn raw, but since we were having everything else cooked we cooked it as well.



Last night we really cheated, as my husband drug in a bag of potato chips and a soda. After I had drank two glasses of the soda (Aged Vanilla Cream Soda - I think by A & W) my urinary tract was already irritated. I am so use to drinking water, Welch's grape juice, herbal teas and fresh juice that my body just can't handle harsh soda too well anymore. He only picked the soda because he really likes to have Welch's grape juice for supper, but it's so expensive, so he tried to substitute it with the cheaper soda. Not a good thing! As far as the chips go, I am going to have to make some zuchini chips pretty soon to satisfy his snack cravings. He likes those. I am really pleased that he is not dragging in any sweets though. Our sweets level is practically at nil. For the whole month of July, so far, we have had three sweets. That's a pretty good record for us.

This morning I had the banana, which I mentioned earlier. Just now, before I started typing this post I made me three miniature sandwiches. I lifted the bread on one of them to show you what they are... simply Italian bread and the mystery meat - chicken or turkey.


I am still hungry! There's not too much here besides celery. I can't wait to get more raw again. I have so been craving fruits! 

Yesterday I woke up and weighed and had hit the seventeen pound mark. I was so happy, but with the chips and the Italian bread I returned to the sixteen pound mark. I know I will get back on track again though and it will continue to go down.

My husband gave me a book on food additives, which he had, so I thought that I would photograph it and share it with you. Here is the cover.


I figure I will try to photograph a page every few days or so and share. Here is the first page.


My laptop is on a very large screen resolution. If you are on a smaller one, such as 800 x 600 then you will need to click on the photo to see the whole thing. I know that my husband's is 800 x 600 and it cuts the photo off.

He also gave me a book about biology. We collect many types of books. Health, history, religion, philosophical, technical, etc.


I thought I would start giving some facts out of this book too. We have 206 bones, which make up about 25% of our body's bulk. They are connected to other bones by ligaments and to muscles by tendons. The femur (thigh bone) is the largest, and the stirrup in the ear is the smallest.  Bone is composed of two different types of tissues. One is dense and is like ivory. The other is fibrous. Muscles constitute just about 40% of the body weight. The surface of joints is covered with cartilage. Synovial fluid lubricates the joints. Bones are very elastic like - especially in one's youth. They may be compared to the springs and shock absorbers of an automobile. This is especially true of the disks in the spine, which separate the vertebrae. The skin holds the body together and acts as a barrier from foreign materials. It also retains things, which should not leave the body. It also contains the blood vessels and nerves. the skin regulates body temperature, and also relays messages from the body to the brain, via the nerve system, such as if you are burnt or have suffered an injury. This concludes a summarization of the chassis.

You may be wondering why I haven't been doing the benefits of foods too much lately. Well the answer to that lies in that I rearranged my bedroom a bit and the books ended up under my lamp. I have just been too lazy to dig them out.


I will try to begin that again, as well. School starts soon - just about 3 or 4 weeks away :( so I will try to get as much done as I can before then. I am not sure how much that will slow me down.

Thanks for reading!

Oh, and I have started another blog of my writings here if anyone is interested. It's called "Speaking of YHWH" because most of my writings are on Him and His Word.

Kimberly ♥

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