Saturday, July 10, 2010

Day Twenty of My Health Journey

Well, it's been a couple of mixed up days. I didn't post yesterday because it was getting to close to the Sabbath, so I decided to wait until today. As you know, on weekends (Fri-day, Satur-day and Sun-day) we eat regular meals, per request of my husband, though the last week wasn't too much of a raw week at all - but during the past couple of days I have been eating large fruit salads and lots of green juice! Pictures will follow in a minute.

Thurs-day night I had a large fruit salad consisting of grapes, a banana, a plum, an apricot, some cantaloupe, an orange and a pear.


I practiced my new zoom skills on this one.

Thurs-day night I had a chicken sandwich with light deli meat (chicken).

Fri-day morning I had a grilled cheese sandwich, which should have been a big no-no, but my husband made it for me. We also had some green juice.

Fri-day afternoon I had another large fruit salad. This one consisted of a nectarine, a plum, an orange and a banana.


I really like fruit salads. They are full of different flavors and are so filling.

My husband, before the Sabbath, made spaghetti with chicken, mushrooms and peppers. It was really yummy!


This morning I made green juice, which consisted of 2 apples, 1/2 lemon, an orange, a tomato, 2 slices of canteloupe, a piece of ginger, a clove of garlic, 4 large carrots, spinach, the leaves of bok choy, cilantro, a piece of pepper, a cucumber and  some celery. (Pictures below.)




The ingredients yielded...


1/2 quart of green juice...

just over a cup of carrot juice...


and 1/2 quart of fruit juice. Lou Corona says to balance your fruit with your greens, so this isn't too bad of a ratio. It added up to make just about 1 1/2 quarts of juice. My husband had two cups and I had two and 1/2 cups.


Sometimes I juice my greens in the blender with some filtered water and then strain them, but sometimes I just do everything in the juicer - which was the case today. What I do is just wad the greens up and then put something large and heavier on top of them. I used a cucumber, and this juiced the greens very slowly and thoroughly, creating lots of chlorophyll. If, however, you just put the greens and nothing behind them it just chews the greens up and doesn't get a whole lot of juice out.

Here's a photo of how good the greens juiced. This part went to the piggies!


Later today, after the Sabbath finished, we had a steak, some sauteed plantains, green beans, tomatoes and onions. We also had a sauteed pepper, as well, but it wasn't in the photo. My husband flopped that in the plate later.


Also this Sabbath day YHWH blessed us with a rainbow.




As far as my weight, it's holding it's own. I have been indulging in lots of fruits and greens, but until the cooked foods are phased out weight loss just won't happen for me. I have been feeling good the last few days, except for a stuffy nose. I have to try to get that detoxed out, but it could be from the fan, which I use at night when I am sleeping.

Kimberly ♥

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