Saturday, July 3, 2010

Day Fourteen of My Health Journey

Hello everyone. I hope everyone is doing fine. I have to say that last night I had a sandwich, because it was the Sabbath and I didn't want to cook, nor did I have anything ready made. The raw just didn't fill me up for some reason. Prior to the sandwich we had a salad


and an orange, but I was starving! I found out a little trick about staying fuller on a salad, which I will share with you now.

This was our breakfast this morning... a fruit salad consisting of an orange, 1/2 of a nectarine, and some spinach, garnished with olive oil and sea salt. Notice that the one on the right has flax seeds on it. That is my new discovery! If you put flax seeds, or hemp seeds, or chia seeds - or apparently any kind of seeds on your salad they will suppress your appetite! The one on the left doesn't have them because my husband is allergic to flax seed, but I can testify that it does seem to work. I had the fruit salad this morning...


with flax seeds (I just wanted to practice using the zoom on my camera, and it works pretty good.)...


And another salad of greens this afternoon... again with flax seeds - and it is holding my appetite longer.


I also found out that greens, in their whole form, don't digest as well as blended greens, so that is why a smoothie keeps us fuller than a salad, but I have just been craving lots of salads the last few days.

Tomorrow is the Fourth of July... one of the only holidays that I celebrate; the other one being Thanksgiving. That is because they each stand for something to be thankful to YHWH (God) for. I am thankful on the Fourth for being born in a country in which I am free... I have freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom to protect myself, and many other freedoms. I find the Thanksgiving holiday much like the Fourth, as if it were not for the pilgrims coming over from England I would not have these same freedoms either. I am very thankful to YHWH for these things, as well as for things like my home, my meals, my family and friends and just all the blessings in my life.

So in celebrating the Fourth this weekend, my husband and I are going to have hotdogs (all beef) and hamburgers with chips. I know - not the best diet; it has lots of fat in it, but that's the only way I know to celebrate. The Fourth happens to fall on the weekend, as well, so its one of our guilt free cheat days. Also when I made the vinegar pie, I mentioned that my husband was wanting me to make him a deep dish apple pie. Well, I never did, so I promised him I would make him one tonight. Pictures to follow, if nothing happens!

I like to weigh the first thing when I wake up, before I eat or drink anything, but today I forgot. I can imagine that this weekend is going to knock everything out of whack, but next week I will get straightened out, especially since I now know about the flax seeds suppressing appetites.

Off to start on my husband's apple pie! 

Kimberly ♥

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