Monday, March 29, 2010

How to Make HEALTHY "Fudgesicles"

Being that summer is coming up soon, I wanted to find some nice healthy recipes to cool off. Hope you can use this one. (If you are making if for kids, don't let them know that there is spinach in it - unless they like spinach. It disguises pretty nicely.)

2 bananas
2 dates (I have fresh, but you can use dried.)
A handful of spinach


If you happen to find fresh dates, you must open them and remove the pits.


Put everything in the blender with about a cup of filtered water.


Blend it up and then add about 1/8 cup of raw carob powder or cacao powder. I have carob powder.


Blend it up and it should look like this.


I have some popsicle molds that I bought at Kmart last year for $3 or $4. If you have some pour the mixture into the molds. If not, use a disposable Dixie cup. (That's the guinea pigs' pulp in the back. Don't mind it.)


Add the "sticks".


Freeze, and you will have you a nice nutritious "fudgesicle."


1 comment:

  1. it looks like a turd. leave out the spinach
