Monday, June 28, 2010

Day Nine of My Health Journey - and a Recipe for Cooked Beans

I am sorry that I didn't post anything yesterday. I just needed a blog break for a day. Yesterday was one week that I have been eating high raw or at least light, though this weekend we did step it up a bit to more normal foods, and I was so sorry that I did. I posted on Satur-day evening that the roasted chicken, which I had Friday night made me sick, but I was also sick Satur-day night and Sunday night from things I consumed. Saturday for supper, I had two pieces of turkey bacon (we never eat pork), a fried egg and a slice and a half of whole wheat bread. That didn't seem to make me sick, but later my husband put some sweetened milk in the blender with some ice cubes and vanilla and gave me a glass. Now, if he had asked me first, I would have turned him down, but he didn't. He made it for me and then said, "Here's you a drink," so I drank it, and I have to say it was yummy, but about an hour later my tummy didn't have the same feelings about the drink that I did. It started rolling and rumbling, and I had another bout with diarrhea. We got a little hungry later on though and split a baked potato, which was good. I had a little butter on it, and it didn't seem to bother me.

Here are pictures of the 1/2 potato and the turkey, bacon and bread, which I ate Saturday.



I think I also ate one apple and a couple of bananas Satur day, so the grand total of my intake Satur-day was 2 pieces of turkey bacon, 2 1/2 slices of whole wheat bread (I had one in between), an egg, 2 bananas, an apple and 1/2 of a potato.

Sunday I had 2 more slices of turkey bacon, 1 1/2 slices of bread, and an egg, two bananas and later in the day some rice...


then in the evening I had some (just to taste - about three tablespoons) navy beans, which I made (I will post the recipe in a minute.)


As far as my weight loss goes, yesterday (Sun-day) I weighed and I had lost 14.5 pounds since I began this journey last Sun-day. I was so excited, however, this morning I had gained 1.5 pounds back, so I am only 13 pounds down, which I am still very happy about. Our funds are limited, so raw is a problem for us for a few days. We are just having to eat make-do foods until we can stock up later in the week, but I have to say that YHWH (God) always provides something! HalleluYah! Praises to Him!

As for the way I feel, since I haven't been eating raw, my energy has decreased again and I have been very depressed feeling today for some reason. I think it is because I am missing my raw foods. I actually crave them now. There are so many things I want to try! Also, I am out of my asthma medication (Advair) and my breathing is not that good. I have been out three days. It's a good thing I have my albuterol. Oh the day that I can go completely 100% raw and lose this asthma - what a glorious day that will be!

As for the bean recipe... I use think think there wasn't any other way to cook beans other than to season them with pork fat back. We stopped eating pork two and a half years ago, and boy, was I wrong! They are just as yummy with spices!

I used Navy beans. I soaked them overnight.


Then I poured the soak water off of them and rinsed them really good in the colander.


I took two cloves of garlic...


a little paprika, turmeric, blended herbs and seasoning salt...


(I use this kind of blended herbs.)


a little hot pepper and some onion...


and combined them all in the crock pot with the beans. There is also a half of a slice of turkey bacon in here, as well, and a couple of fresh bay leaves.

I have a large crock pot...


but for beans I always use the small one.


I filled it up with filtered water and added the lid...


and let the beans cook for about eight hours or so. I don't really time them - I just check when they are tender, but it probably takes about eight hours. Halfway through, however, my husband thickened them a bit with a little flour, added some cooking wine and a few more pieces of pepper.


And that's all there is to it. They are really good, and beans are one of the best things you can eat for health purposes. And they aren't hurting my tummy!