Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Day Eighty of My Health Journey

Since I am now stocked up on raw foods, and since I am getting to my school work a bit earlier now, I thought that this warrants me posting sooner than I have been, at least most days. I am struggling with Psychology - not meaning that I am about to fail - actually, so far I have an A in the class, as well as an A in my Theology class, but I mean that I am struggling time wise. It just consumes my days, so I will have to see about that and how I do. I had my husband to look for my food additive book again last night, but he hasn't found it yet, but we haven't given up. I know it's here somewhere. In other news, I lost a pound last night. I am back down to a total loss of 25 pounds.I hate this fluctuating, but hopefully with all this raw food it will make a big drop. Someone asked me yesterday how my asthma and joint pain is doing. He meant my fibromyalgia. Well, I rarely ever have a fibromyalgia attack anymore, but every once in a while I take a freezing spell when it is above 75 degrees in here. Other times my husband will be cold and I will be burning up.I don't know if that relates to my fibromyalgia or not. As far as my asthma is doing, I am pretty sure that I will have to go 100% raw to cure it, which I am not ready to do yet. But I did notice yesterday I was going for 7 - 9 hours without a nebulizer treatment. Usually it's every 3 - 4 hours. I haven't had my preventative Advair medication in MONTHS so I wonder how it would be if I had it. I have a doctor's appointment in a week or so, so I am sure I will find out.

Now to the good stuff. . . food!

After we had that terrible smoothie yesterday, we had a sandwich. My husband went to the market and bought some pastrami and bread, and some cheese, so we had a sandwich. I took a picture of both sides of my plate, and couldn't decide which I liked better.



After that we split a can of Campbell's potato soup, so we each had like 4 ounces.


We just kind of snacked all day yesterday, but for supper I made some wraps out of potato leaves, bok choy and tomatoes, tortillas and a little salad dressing. They were yummy!


Here is the finished product. To the side we had raw snow peas and half of a doughnut peach. I had never had a doughnut peach before, but I am in love! They are so much more sweet than a regular peach!


Now yesterday, you may remember me saying that these yellow things are Korean melons. . .


Well last night I was anxious to try them, so I sliced one up.


I didn't know to cut it in half long ways and to scoop the seeds out like a cantaloupe, and I am so glad I didn't. The membrane holding the seeds is what made it so sweet and yummy! My husband said that it itched him, so I ate the whole thing.

And finally last night we shared a bowl of grapes, which I forgot to photograph.

This morning we had juice. I used one pound of carrots, one half cucumber, 2 plums, a pear, a clove of garlic. . .


and some greens.


I went a little heavy on the greens, so it was a bit bitter, but not too bad. I liked it and really liked the fact that it is alkalizing!

Hope this is inspiring some to take care of your health! I am trying, little by little. It's hard sometimes, and it's a struggle, but so worth it not to be sick from all these processed foods!

Kimberly ♥

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