My husband eats them more, and I think, would eat them every day.
But we did have an omelet today. We had tacos last night for supper, and had some diced tomatoes and green onions, as well as some chopped up spinach, left. I decided that would make a great omelet, so I chopped up a couple of mushrooms to add to it, and it was delicious!
First I sauteed the tomatoes, green onions and mushrooms.

Then I added the spinach (I like it as raw as possible)!

And I poured on top four beaten eggs...

sprinkled with a little sea salt. I would have also added black pepper, but I'm out.

Then I seasoned the omelet with a little paprika, curry and tumeric powder.


And here's the finished product with an orange (remember to incorporate your raw food)!!

and my husbands...

Now that I have shown you our breakfast, I thought it would be good to list the benefits of what we ate, since I have begun doing that.
As for the eggs:
- They are great for the eyes and prevent macular degeneration.
- People who eat eggs have a lower risk of cataracts.
- Eggs are high protein and contain all nine essential amino acids.
- Eggs may prevent blood clots, strokes and heart attacks.
- Eggs are a good source or choline, which regulates the nervous system and the cardiovascular system.
- They contain the right kind of fat that is good for the body.
- Contrary to popular belief, eggs may lower cholesterol, as they are low in saturated fat (the bad kind),
- Eggs are the only food that contain vitamin D.
- Eggs may prevent breast cancer.
- Eggs promote healthy hair and nails.
Now for oranges (one of my favorites).
- Oranges are high in vitamin C and fiber.
- Oranges are high in natural sugars, which contribute to energy.
- Oranges contain Limonin, limonene, limonin glucoside and hesperidin, which are all cancer blockers, thus, they are strong antioxidants.
- The orange peel and pith (white stuff that remains on the orange) contains hesperidin, which lowers bad cholesterol and raises good cholesterol and lowers the risk for heart disease.
- Hesperidin also stops inflammation.
- Oranges and other citrus fruits lowers the risk of strokes.
- Oranges can block breast and lung cancers.
- The vitamin C in oranges promote healing and boosts immunity.
- The vitamin C helps women, who lose iron each month in their cycle.
- The fiber in oranges adds bulk to the stool and relieves intestional problems, reducing constipation and colon cancer.
- Oranges contain a second form of fiber, called soluble fiber, which includes pectin (a jelly like substance) and adds a gel-like layer to the intestines. This can help in lowering cholesterol and controlling diabetes, and it controls changes in the blood sugar.
- Eating more than seven oranges a day could lower one's cholesterol by about 20%.
- If one smokes, and desires to stop, the juice of an orange makes the urine more acidic, cleaning out the body of nicotine faster, thus making the cravings leave sooner.
Kimberly ♥
ReplyDeleteJohn W. Stevenson
Yep, they are good for you! :)
ReplyDeleteThat looks really delicous and super simple. Thank you for sharing.
Thanks Larissa.