Tonight my husband and I were kind of wondering what to eat, as there didn't seem to be much here to work with. There seemed to be nothing here. We had tacos last night and had some left over ground sirloin/turkey meat, which was fried for that, we had spaghetti sauce in the refrigerator, a green pepper, an onion some cheese and some mushrooms, and I had just bought a new bag of flour - so it came to my mind - pizza!
Now, I know that pizza dough is suppose to be made with yeast, but I had no yeast here, so here is how i made mine.
I use self-rising flour...

2 cups worth and 1/4 cup of butter (or some type of oil - I had no oil tonight) in the food processor.

Process them together until the flour resembles course crumbs.

Now, I added milk, bit I have no idea how much. I just add little by little until the dough wads up like this.

I spread the dough out in the pans and spread the spaghetti sauce on them.

I added the meat (ground sirloin/ground turkey, which had been fried the night before), chopped up green pepper, onion and mushrooms, and cheese.
Since I read that cheese has pork in it (as my husband and I try to avoid pork) I have been pretty worried about eating cheese, but the cheese I used on this did not have rennet listed in the ingredients, so I am hoping it is OK. Satan has really mixed up our foods with unclean foods so that it is hard to eat anymore.
The pizza cooked at 450 degrees (preheated) for about 25 minutes. Here's how it looked when it was finished.

Yummy, and we have some left for lunch tomorrow! This is one of those meals, which I have to glorify YHWH with, as we thought we had nothing here for a complete meal, yet we had everything. He often lets us "piece" together meals when we think we have nothing.
Kimberly ♥
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