I did not eat anything else after than until last night when my husband came home. I was sooo hungry that I couldn't stand it, and so we failed and ate a light cooked meal.

On the plate is a fried egg, fried green bell peppers, fried onions and a fried plantain. I'm not really sorry that I broke down and ate it, and I'm not giving up. I feel that I did really good yesterday. I had three apples, 8 ounces of juice and this plate. My goal is to stay under 1,000 calories - 1,200 at the most and to stay as raw as I can. I wanted to do the mono meal diet - but my husband and I are having a hard time with that, but I feel that I can still inspire others to eat more healthy. Besides, this morning I actually weighed 5 pounds lighter than I did yesterday - honest truth! Must have been water - what do you think?
Today our choice of main food is banana. We have each eaten 3 bananas today. Well - he's had about 2, because, bless his heart, everyone of his has been half rotten and the guinea pigs ended up being blessed with his rotten parts.
We went to the dentist. I had an appointment to get a filling. I will show you a little eye candy from my trip (not that the Bronx is that pretty - but I like to see travel photos and I know that others do too).
On the way to the dentist -
Here we are at Pelham Bay Park Train Station waiting on our transfer.

We have just gotten off the bus here and are walking to my dentist's office. This is a grassy area between the traffic lanes on Pelham Bay Parkway.

Pelham Bay Parkway toward the Bronx Zoo...

Here's a little gas station beside my dentist's office.

Looking up Boston Road...

Some hydrangea flowers in front of the building where my dentist is located...

Now, it was HOT in the Bronx today - just hot, stale air, and we were about to thirst to death (it seemed). My husband tried to tempt me to stop at the gas station pictured just above here and to get a soda, but I stayed focused and took advantage of the water inside my dentist's office.

So that we didn't get tempted to eat junk while we were out, I packed a couple of bananas in my purse before we left.

I got my tooth all fixed up, but have to return next week to have another one filled.
We left and I took a few more photos. This one is looking down White Plains Road. This area is absolutely my favorite area of the Bronx! The island is pretty nice, but it just doesn't have the shops that I like. Here, I buy my produce, there is a health food store here, I get my eyes checked here and my dentist is here. It's a very convenient area for me, and it's really nice here. A lot of New York can be kind of unsafe, but like the island, I always feel safe here.

Looking up at the train station...

Where to go up to the train station from the opposite side of the road...

Looking up White Plains Road... there's not too much across Pelham Bay Parkway.

Pelham Bay Parkway...

Another view looking up to the train station...

I love these lampposts!

Another view looking down White Plains Road...

Under the train looking toward Pelham Bay Parkway...

Looking across White Plains Road...

Looking down the other side of White Plains Road after I had crossed...

Crossing Pelham Bay Parkway to catch the bus to go home...

The bus shelter where we wait...

A tenement building across from the bus shelter on Pelham Bay Parkway...

Another tenement building...

This is where we take our receipt for our ticket.

Looking down Pelham Bay Parkway as we were waiting for the bus...

The train station...

Looking down Pelham Bay Parkway again...

Another view of the train station...

The crowded bus... we had to stand when we first got on. It was less crowded here.

The bus that we rode from my dentist's office to Pelham Bay Train Station... We got off here to catch a transfer in order to get home.

Whew! We finally made it back home and out of the heat. I made my husband and me a little salad, and he made us some carrot and apple juice. We had about 7 ounces each.

Here's a closeup of one.

The dressing is NOT raw. I did make it, however. It is Helman's mayonnaise and milk combined with a little blended, dried herbs. Delicious!
We have some bananas here, and some apples, so I guess we will munch on those until tomorrow, and I have a feeling we will have another plate of the same (fried egg, plantain, pepper and onions) as we had last night a little later too. It's really light and yet filling.
Kimberly ♥
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