Let me go into more detail. Yesterday, we started off to eat mostly bananas. We had two bananas each until it was time to go to the dentist. I packed a couple of bananas in my purse in case we got hungry while we were out.

We didn't, so we ate our bananas after we got home. Then we had a salad, which I pictured on yesterday's blog post, and later we were still hungry and had our egg and plantain, which I forgot to photograph until it was halfway eaten. We had one more banana yesterday each - and after 8 bananas our stock depleted. My husband had a Gala apple after that, then we each had a bowl of kale chips, which I had dehydrated and stored away - in an air tight container.

He and I split another Gala apple (my first one of the day). Then we halved a baked potato and ate another salad. That was pretty late.

The baked potato was really small and was dressed with my dressing, made of milk, mayonnaise and blended herbs, paprika, turmeric, curry powder and cayenne pepper. The salad had the same dressing.
I had lost one pound this morning.
Today I have had absolutely NOTHING raw! That's because there is only one apple here in the way of fruit. Neither of us wanted to go to the store last night to prepare for today. So it is now 5:52 pm and here's what we had today - all day: Vegetable Lo Mein... Yum! My husband and I started making our own Chinese food last year, as we felt that when we eat in the local Chinese restaurant, with the giant mural of the Hindu temple, that we were eating foods sacrificed to idols. We don't eat at Mexican restaurants either, as they usually have a statue of the Virgin Mary up somewhere. Anyway... back to the point.
I filled a little pot with water to put under my steamer, and I found some broccoli in the refrigerator, so I cut it up and placed it in the steamer.

In the top tier of the steamer I placed 1/2 of a bell pepper, some portabella mushrooms chopped up and some green onions.

Then we (my husband and I did this together) took some Chinese noodles that we had...

and boiled them until they were tender.

We took it out and drained it.

Then we put the noodles and the vegetables that we had steamed and lightly sauteed everything together in some teriyaki sauce. I used this brand.

It looked like this in the skillet...

and even better in my plate!

I also made us some healthy lemonade (good for the liver) to go with the meal. I took one lemon for each glass (straining the pulp and seeds out) then added about 4 teaspoons of raw honey and filled the glass up (it's an 8 ounce glass). I have actually drank some out of the glass below, so it's not full like I made it. This is the first drink I have had since Saturday that hasn't been water.

Now, I have lost 6 pounds since I started eating more healthier on Sunday. I think I might have lost more yesterday (as I went out and walked in the sauna [hot NY weather]), but the 1/2 of a baked potato last night really got me, I believe.
As to how I am feeling today - I am very tired for some reason. I believe it is because I had a terrible busting headache last night and ended up taking something for pain. I rarely ever have a bad headache anymore (I use to have terrible ones every day!) and when I do get a headache it usually goes away without medication, but the one last night didn't. On top of that, I got choked on a piece of the kale chips that I was eating and when I coughed it made the headache ten times worse so I resolved to take a pain pill. Today I am really tired and groggy because of that - but I slept SO good last night. Also, I am having some pain in the tooth that the dentist filled yesterday. He was going to give me something for pain, but I told him that I am aspirin sensitive, so he told me just to take Tylenol for my pain. It's not even that bad - just kind of a dull throb and really just aggravating, but I assume it will go away since he had offered me pain medication. I mean I think that it's just throbbing from the drilling he did and is normal - nothing to worry about. My mood is good, and I haven't really had any cravings, which is saying a lot as much bread/sugar/soda as I was having until three days ago. I have really been enjoying the raw though, (except the day of apples), and the eggs, salads, lo mein are quite enjoyable too, as they are something different in my diet. The best part is that everything I am eating now - raw or cooked) is light and healthy, and I hope one day to get my diet into subjection that I can go 100% raw, because I know that I know that I know that it is the healthiest way to eat.
Oh, we decided to eat meat on weekends (Satur-day and Sun-day nights, and possibly Fri-days too, depending on our bodies) and we will just eat it baked or roasted. My husband is afraid of getting anemia, so he has to have some meats. Like I said, this is a touch and go thing. We are just doing what our bodies tell us really - but no bread or sweets for a while definitely! I have been craving beans or a lentil soup, but haven't talked my husband into that yet. Maybe soon!
Love, Kimberly
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