After I wrote the post yesterday we had s one apple and one banana. We also had a supper consisting of 1 1/2 raw ears of corn each and 1/2 orange each. The corn was really good and sweet. We didn't season it with butter or salt of anything. All filtered water after that.

My husband brought home some raw foods last.

Today for breakfast we had a SMALL glass of juice consisting of 3 carrots, 1/2 bell pepper, 2 small apples and a clove of garlic - oh and a small bunch of cilantro. We also had 2 bananas with it. Only one is shown here, but after we consumed the juice and the first banana we were still a little bit hungry.

Right before we went to the store, which was a few hours later we ate another banana. That was the last of the bananas. At the store we bought a bunch of broccoli, a container of portabella mushrooms and some green onion to make some more lo mein, which you can find on yesterday's post. We had that for supper, and my husband then wanted an apple and gave me a couple of bites of it. That's all we have had today, but I cut the cantaloupe, which he brought home last night, into pieces and stored them in one of my lock and lock boxes.

We will have a bowl of it for snack later, then that is probably all that we will have for today. As best as I can tell, we are staying below 1,000 calories per day. That's exactly where I want to be. I lost another pound last night, for a total of 8 in three days. I've been in a really good mood today for the most part (I usually am in a good mood - it's part of my nature.) but just really tired. For the amount of raw I am eating my tiredness should be improving, but I think it's just the heat. I would love to get out and walk some, but it will have to cool down first.
I guess that is all I will write for today. Like I said, this one is short and sweet. See you tomorrow if nothing happens! Remember to glorify your Creator with your health and the way you eat!
Jonathan Edwards, a famous preacher from the past (1700's), wrote a list of resolutions, and in them were these:
20. Resolved, to maintain the strictest temperance in eating and drinking.
40. Resolved, to inquire every night, before I go to bed, whether I have acted in the best way I possibly could, with respect to eating and drinking. Jan. 7, 1723.
Love,Kimberly ♥
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