Friday, October 29, 2010

Detox Day 8 - Beware of salad dressings or sandwich spreads (EDTA)

Well, I have good news and bad news. The good news is that I lost another pound, and I am down 29 pounds now for a grand total since June, 12 pounds since last week. I am excited about that - two more pounds and I will break the barrier of 30 pounds! The bad news is that last night my husband asked me to make him deviled eggs, so I just made the whole carton (there were 8 left in the carton) and I decided to eat some too. I love deviled eggs, and all I had had all day was the watermelon, which I showed in yesterday's post, so I was ready to eat. There really wasn't much here to eat... just some onions and a couple of handfuls of spinach (both of which I used some of to put in the eggs) and that's about it, so I was hungry and I ate the eggs, thinking that I would go on a water fast today anyway and that no harm would be done... Now, normally, I can eat just about anything and I don't feel any side effects. I might get a headache or something later, but I just attribute it to stress, and of course, asthma has been a constant thing for me so I don't really know what causes it and what doesn't, but last night was different. Within 15 minutes of the time that I ate those eggs I developed a headache. That's not all. Right after that my throat started itching and I developed a sore throat and it gets even worse! Last night my breathing got worse, and for the first time in six days I had to take a nebulizer treatment because my lungs were closing off. I took two puffs from the inhaler, and it helped slightly, but did not take care of the problem. There is even more. I have eczema, but it has not really acted up for a while. Last night I started to get two watery blisters on my finger. Oh and I was trying to study and also got a slight dizziness, but pretty intense brain fog, which lasted for a few hours. Is this bad news upsetting me? No. Because this is a blessing for me. Since I have been water fasting or either eating raw just about all week, my body is very sensitive right now, and I can tell more about what bothers me. This allowed me to determine either the eggs or the ingredients in the eggs were what activated my asthma, caused my headache and skin rash, etc. The first think that I did was look at the mustard and mayonnaise jars for their ingredients, and the mustard only had natural ingredients, however the mayonnaise (Kraft) had Calcium Disodium EDTA as a preservative. So I decided to look it up. It is otherwise known as EDTA, and here is what it causes: short dizziness, nausea, joint ache, abdominal pain,kidney failure, thrombophlebitis, fatigue, fever and excessive thirst, suddenly, followed by creating serious headache, muscle pain, and appetite. Now, these symptoms, which are listed here are describing the indications after the patients have been injected, but I am saying right now when you haven't been on additives for a week or longer it doesn't take hours after being injected to feel these effects. That's not all. This page says this, pertaining to EDTA: Calcium Disodium EDTA. Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, or simply known as EDTA, is a preservative found in many foods, including sodas, sandwich spreads and sauces. It's also found in many cosmetic products, including shampoos, body wash, deodorant and skin creams. EDTA may cause allergic reactions, asthma attacks, skin rash and possible kidney damage. Studies have also found that sustained intakes of calcium disodium EDTA can lead to essential mineral depletion in dogs. And, if you remember, in this post, I was complaining about asthma after eating Ken's Blue Cheese dressing, and then the next time I ate I switched to olive oil and spices, which was just as yummy. So beware of your salad dressings and sandwich spreads! Use something natural instead, because with these two experiences this week, especially the one from last night, I have learned that salad dressing and mayonnaise are NOT your friends!

With all that being said, here's what I ate yesterday, besides the watermelon that I had for breakfast, which I listed in yesterday's post.

(I did not eat all these eggs. I deviled 8 eggs, and this is the outcome, but my husband and I split them, having 4 eggs each. That was our complete supper...)


And that was all that I had to eat yesterday until I had a few frozen blueberries for a snack.


Regarding my husband, he has not been fasting, and he has been eating raw with me (but he's also been eating lots of cooked foods too), however, since last week he's lost nine pounds, which makes him at a grand total of 17 pounds lost.

Oh, and I accidentally lied to you yesterday - sort of. I told you that I hadn't had meat in at least a week, and I thought that it had been a couple of days before that. Well, I was looking back through my posts, and actually the night before my fast I had some delicious lamb, which I posted here

Kimberly ♥
29 pounds down

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