Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Detox on Water Fast Day 4

Well last night I broke down and ate. I had been having constant hunger for four days, and nausea was beginning to set in. My husband made me a nice soup, and then I had some oatmeal. It was naughty, I know, but I was beginning to feel so sick. Here's the soup he made me. It was just a simple noodle, pepper, onion, garlic, spinach and red pepper in chicken broth type of soup, but it was good to me. I also ate a couple of wasabi peas (dehydrated peas with hot seasoning on them) and sucked on a frozen blackberry.


I am back on my water fast today though. I told him if I can do a few days at a time and then have to eat a meal or two then that's OK with me. It's still quite an accomplishment for me! My husband is going to try to get me some spinach and melon and things like that though, so at least I can stay in ketosis, plus raw foods are cleansing, whereas soup and oatmeal isn't - especially how I made it. I can't stand soggy, cooked oatmeal so I put a little melted butter, and molasses on it and baked it. Very bad - especially when in a detox!

Anyway, I have been having pain in my right lymph node in my neck. I think it's clearing out. It's not that bad. It's kind of intense but comes and goes. I woke up today with a very greasy mouth. It  must be the butter I ate on the oatmeal. That's kind of weird to have a greasy film in the mouth. My hair is getting greasier to though, so it may just be all the rancid, toxic oils escaping my body. That's a common symptom for this stage of a detox. Although my hunger never left, because I ate, it has intensified a little bit, so I am having to deal with that.  I don't have any headaches. I am really feeling good now, except that constant gnawing in my stomach. My tongue is back pink again today, so I expect that when my body realizes it's not getting more food for a while then it will begin to coat again. My asthma is still doing fabulous! No nebulizer treatment now for three days! I have only been taking one puff from the inhaler at bedtime, and of course, my Advair twice daily. To get off the nebulizer for three days is a record for me though, and I am so happy about it! I so hope this dumb asthma can be cured. I am a little bit foggy headed and very sleepy, and I still have a pimple that came out on my cheek. That's about all that I can think of right now.

Oh, yesterday I had lost ten pounds, but after I ate last night a pound came back, so I have now lost ten pounds - all this was what I had gained from the steroids given to my by my doctor last month for my asthma, which I couldn't take off. I am at a grand total of 26 pounds down since the beginning of my journey in June.

I will be back in a day or two with an update.

Kimberly ♥
26 pounds down

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