Sunday, October 31, 2010

October 30, 2010

Well, strange things are happening. Now, I have a rash behind my right ear. I mentioned the other day that I was getting eczema on my fingers. Well, the watery rash went away, thanks to some cream that I put on my finger, but now my finger tips are splitting open, which is also a symptom of eczema. Since I ate those deviled eggs my asthma has again been relentless, and my constant allergies (stuffiness in the head, sneezing, etc.) has returned. I have ate a couple more cooked things, which I will show you in a minute. It's been hard, as it's turned colder in New York and the warm food cravings are a force to be reckoned with, but as I am seeing, with the cooked foods returning - so does the illness. I just don't know if I can stand being 100% raw all my life. I doubt it. Even if I give up meat, I still crave the veggie burgers, which I have grown to love. I love bread, and occasional sweets - like the banana breads and other sweet breads that I make, and I just love bread period, though I have for the most part switched to the healthier breads like whole wheat and rye. Well, time will be the judge of my life-long diet, but for the moment I am back on water. I am HUNGRY, but I have to get this asthma back manageable like it was last week. It was so peaceful not really have any asthma symptoms, and these allergies kill me! Enough is enough! I don't know how long I will last on water. I may eat tonight, or I may last two or three days... who knows, but I am going for it as long as I can, and have instructed my husband to eat only foods that I don't like or to eat outside.

Here's the strange things happening to me.

The rash behind the ear...


And the split-open fingers. (It's the pinky finger and the ring finger on my right hand.)


Hopefully these things will pass.

Even though I haven't been 100% raw, I have been eating healthy. Here's what I have had.

Friday night for supper I had a salad with cilantro, spinach, tomato, onion and broccoli - oh, and garlic.


I also had a baked potato. Every topping was natural... olive oil, spices and herbs - no butter, which is my normal topping.


And I had grapes later for a snack.


Saturday, I didn't even have breakfast... only lunch, which was more grapes.


For supper I had a piece of steak and some plantains. Now, this isn't a regular sized plate. This is a desert plate, so you can see the minute amount of food that I ate. It doesn't even take up but barely half of the small plate. My husband really just gave me a piece of his steak and a few slices of plantain. It wasn't what you would call a whole supper.


After that I was still hungry so I had a big salad. Now this is a regular sized plate.


I have lost 30 pounds now! :) Losing weight isn't a problem. It's the symptoms of being sick that I am dealing with... so that's why it's back to the water for me - or at least an attempt to go back to the water. No promises, mind you.

I will be back tomorrow or the next day with another update. Oh, and instead of counting days or calling this a detox or whatever, I have just decided to put the date on top of each post. I think that's the best way to keep up with it.

Kimberly ♥
30 pounds down

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