Sunday, September 19, 2010

Day Eighty Five of My Health Journey

Sorry I am lagging! I have been studing for a psychology test. I made an 88 on it today, which is a B+ so I'm happy! This is the only B that I have received in the class so far, so I probably still have an A average. I really don't know what I ate when - my brain is so scattered from studying now, so I am just going to post the photos.

Well, maybe I will discuss them as I go. It's a girl's perogative to change her mind, right? It should be fairly easy, because Frida evening to Saturday evening was Yom Kippur, and I only had water.

Let's see... Thursday I had my durian ice cream - yum!


and I snacked on some snow peas.


Thursday night we had more chicken, some macaroni and a piece of bread...


And another tiny sweet potato pie for dessert.


Friday morning we had juice, but my camera was dead.

Before Yom Kippur, I had LOTS of grapes, which I didn't photograph, two sandwiches and some tangerines.



From twilight Friday evening until twilight Saturday evening I only had water. (One isn't suppose to have food or water on Yom Kippur, but my asthma medication dries my mouth and throat out, so I have to have a sip here and a sip there to accomodate, but I didn't drink large quantities.)


Saturday evening I broke my fast with a sweet potato. I was pretty hungry. (It has a tad of butter and cinnamon on it.)


Later that night my husband cooked, and we had meatloaf, mashed potatoes and gravy, with green beans.


This morning we had juice.


And I am ashamed to admit it, but yesterday I saw a blog with graham crackers on it and nothing would do me but what I tasted one. My grandparents bought these when I was a kid, and so they are nostalgic to me. Last night when my husband went to the store, I told him to bring me back either some Graham crackers or some vanilla wafers - and he brought one of each. So today you know what I have been snacking on. :( I didn't take their picture though.

I have been doing lots of dehydrating though, and we have some zuchinni chips now, so we will have healhier snacks so that the health journey can continue. Right how I am stuck on a platuea of 25 pounds lost and my husband is at 18 pounds lost. By the way, to make it easier, I have decided to start putting the pounds lost below my name for easy referral.


This is a jamb-packed week for psychology again, as well as on one day I have a doctor's appointment. So hopefully I can at least half-way keep my blog up. Maybe I will take my camera to the doctor with me. :)

Now, last but certainly not least, I added a new page to my favorites over to the right, called November This is a health magazine, which is owned by a dear friend of mine, so if you want to please be sure to go and check it out. It's originally written in French, but he's translating it into English and Hebrew to make it easier for visitors, so please go check out his site here if you are interested in health.

Kimberly ♥
25 pounds released

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