Sunday, August 1, 2010

Day Forty Two of My Health Journey, Biology Lesson and Info on Food Additives

Well today is day forty two of what has suppose to have been a health journey. I would like to have been alot more raw than I have been. Some of the problem has been simply food lust and some of the problem has been being strapped for cash and having to eat what we are blessed with. This week, though, things will improve and I will be getting more raw foods. Yay! I am really not too disappointed. In forty days I have lost 18 or 19 pounds. That's great in my opinion. If I can continue every month like this I will be elated.

Friday night, which was the Sabbath, my husband brought home a roasted chicken, some fried plantains, rice and beans and salad, which we ate for supper. I really hate to cook on the Sabbath, and so does he, so we only had to heat the rice and beans up in the microwave a couple of minutes. We also ate out of paper plates so that there would be minimum dishwashing.



Saturday morning I made juice. I really hate doing that too, as I feel it is like cooking, but my husband got some things that were going to rot soon, and it really needed to be juiced up. Juicing is really quick - not like cooking a huge meal, so I felt better about that. I juiced carrots, a tomato, 1/2 cucumber, a clove of garlic, a pepper and two apples.


The juice comes out really thick, and I hate that, so I decided to run it through a strainer. I like mine much better like that, but my husband prefers his with the frothiness.


We ate all the beans that he came home with Friday night. Really, I could say what beans - it was almost all sauce, so after the Sabbath my husband cooked some more beans. He soaked them before the Sabbath so that they would be ready to cook, so we had practically what we had Friday night on Saturday night - minus the salad and plantains. The beans didn't get good and tender though, so it wasn't as good and I was left feeling bloated from the lectin. I am grateful though, because lectin can really do some damage, such as food poisoning. Lectin is a natural insecticide in the bean, which must be broken down by cooking it until tender.


This morning we had juice again... pretty much as we had it yesterday, but with an extra apple and another change or two.


I had lost 19 pounds, but today I had gone back up to 18. It's OK. It's normal to fluctuate. I am OK with it.

Here is the next page of the food additive book. Right now it's just going over what foods have what additives. Soon it will tell what the additives do (what's damaging about them).


To our biology lesson... the digestive system

Most foods have to be changed by reacting with water. Enzymes make this possible. Digestion starts in the mouth with the chewing process, so that as food moves throughout the body it may be more efficiently broken down. They enzyme process starts in the mouth. Most of the foods that we eat only go through a physical change in the mouth. Carbohydrates are the exception. They are changed also physically. As food moves down the esophagus, it moves into the stomach, and then a trap door closes, which is suppose to keep the food from going back up again. This is called the epiglottis. Food is moved by muscles. Once in the stomach food is moved for three hours as it combines with enzymes. Hydrochloric acid is formed to break down the food further. Enzymes in the stomach include pepsin, which breaks down proteins, lipase, which breaks down fats, and rennin, which coagulates milk. these enzymes are controlled by hormones gastrin, which stimulates secretions and enterogastrone, from the intestines, which inhabit the secretions. When the food is small enough it is permitted to empty into the small intestines, where bile and pancreatic ducts are dumped. Bile is a green substance produced by the liver and stored in the gall bladder. It is a buffer, which neutralizes the acid from the stomach. It also helps to break down fats. The pancreas produces enzymes, which are pumped into the small intestine. The final enzyme, which is secreted into the intestine is erepsin. No digestion takes place in the large intestine, but rather there are good bacteria in there. They digest and use cellulose. Everything else is eliminated from the body.

Body filters are also included in this chapter, but I will get to it the next posting. It's quite a bit of work to do all this.

Kimberly ♥

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