Friday, August 13, 2010

Day Fifty Three of My Health Journey, Mushroom Recipe, Food Additives

Well, I guess that those of you who don't follow me on Facebook have probably thought that I fell off of the side of the earth, but not so. I have just been frantically looking for the cord to my camera. Without it, I haven't been able to load any photos to the computer, nor have I been able to charge the camera. Thank goodness it hasn't needed charging! I finally found it behind the headboard of the bed tonight, so I am back with more photos. Frankly, I have been so upset about the loss of my cord I haven't really been kepping up with what meal I ate when. I have been taking photos, but have lost touch of what day they were from, and lots of times I haven't even taken a photo. I figured what's the use... I can't add it to the computer anyway. Today for lunch I had a peach and a plum with fresh raw peas, which I did not photo, for instance. It was yummy! Oh, tomorrow I am going back to shop for more produce! :)

I am just going to add the photos here without explanation. These are some of the things I have eaten. Some good and some bad...






We also had smoothies in these days. As a matter of fact, we had a smoothie for supper last night.

One day, I made a mushroom meal. I took all the stems from my mushrooms and threw them in the food processor with 1/2 can of chicken broth, some milk and some spices.



This is the chicken broth I used.


I sliced up the mushrooms.


And I grilled them. (You can skip this step, but I did it for two reasons - 1. the hot grill presses the juice out of the mushroom and 2. I like the pretty stripes made from the grill.)


They looked like this after they came out of the grill, but then I stir fried them in a bit of olive oil to cook them through and through and to soften them up.


I put the pureed mushroom stems in a pot and heated it up to make a sauce to put on the mushrooms.


And here's the final dish.


Here's your next page of the food additive book.


As far as my health, I am still 19 pound down in my weight. My allergies have drastically improved, and my asthma has somewhat. It's still plaguing me, but now I am able to use the inhaler a little bit in between the nebulizer treatments and not so many treatments in themselves. After I ate the cinnamon bread pictured above, however, the allergies worsened.

That's it for now. Hopefully I won't loose my cord again!

Kimberly ♥

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