Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Day Twenty Nine of My Health Journey, a Natural Slurpy and More Soup

Hello everyone. Today had been a better day. It's been a lazy one. I haven't really done much today. I keep thinking about having to return to school next month. I am kind of dreading that. There is a mix-up in ordering my books that I am trying to get straightened out, and may have to change classes, as well. I am kind of sad about that, because I have been taking very demanding core classes and now am down to electives, so I tried to pick the easiest this semester. I hope I can get it arranged to get the books for those classes.

Last night we ate late... really late. It would have been an early breakfast for some people. There was an accident in the family and my husband wasn't able to come home until 3:30 am. He had a chicken salad sandwich, which we split and then we were still hungry so we made wraps, made of chicken, fried onions, green and red peppers and mozzarella cheese.


I forgot to mention that before he came home I had a baked potato.

This morning we had green tea and a Martin's potato roll each, which we had left over. I added elder berries and wild cherry tea bark to my tea. They are good for asthma, especially the elder berries. They are an expectorant.

Here are the types of tea we used.




I love this brand of tea. I get it at a Chinese store here. The ginger tea was the same way. They don't have to steep. They are just in little pellets, which melt.


The elder berry tea and wild cherry bark tea come loose and have to be steeped in a diffuser cup.


The diffuser cup has holes in it and just lifts out of the regular cup.



I love these little cups. They even have a lid to keep them warm. I have a small collection of three of them. I normally don't care for oriental decor, but love these little cups!


In the afternoon I decided I wanted a smoothie. I peeled an orange. (then chopped it up into pieces and put it in the blender, which I forgot to show.)


Then I juiced three apples, and got 1 1/3 cups of juice, which I added to the orange in the blender.


I put about 2 trays of ice in the blender and whirred it all together, and came up with a nice healthy all natural slurpy. It actually made us two cups each.



After that my husband made us a nice stuffed pepper. It contains melted mozzarella cheese, cilantro, chopped red and green peppers, chopped green onions, cayenne pepper, a pat of butter and olive oil.


Then for supper he made another delicious soup. He called this one Green Beef Soup since most of the ingredients were green. Here are the ingredients. I love this chicken stock! It wasn't very expensive and it contains no MSG!


Here is how that turned out.

In the pot...


and in my bowl...


We are big soup eaters.

We had the soup accompanied with a salad...


and a piece of toasted French bread.


We are talking about going on a water fast soon. I don't know whether we will be able to do it or not. I wanted to go 100% raw, and didn't make it that far, so I kind of doubt that we will be able to do an extended water fast, but we will see. It's just that this diet that we are on is not relieving us from our ailments, which I mentioned when I started this health journey. Also one reason that we are considering a water fast is because money is getting tight for us and about this time of month we have to resort to eating more of a regular diet, which I don't want to do. I am sure that you have noticed that my postings seem to be getting less and less raw.

Well, that's it for today. Thanks for reading.

Kimberly ♥

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