Here is my cheap little juicer that will do in a pinch.

And here is my nice glass of carrot juice, which really is delicious in and of itself.

So the point of this post is not to show off my boring carrot juice, but to discuss mono meals. Mono means one, but a mono meal doesn't mean one meal. It means having only one type of food at that one meal. Well there is also such thing as mono juice, where you keep your juice to one ingredient. Eating/drinking mono is suppose to be the most efficient, fastest way of healing. That is because digestion is taxing on the body, and when your body only has to work on digesting one item it has more energy to heal.
When I get home (to New York) somewhere toward the first of May, I am going to have to do a detox - a major one! It has been so hard to eat healthy here. I do have by apples, bananas, cantaloupe, spinach and even dandelions, but mom has lots of food here that she wants cooked and as I explained the grocery dilemma we are just kind of set here with what we have really. On top of that, I have been around LOTS of smoke. My mom smokes and most of the guests that come here smoke, and my lungs can tell it! I stay in my room alot doing school work with the window open and the ceiling fan on, but still - I am suffering! So when I get back home all of this has to be cleansed from my system and I am thinking of doing some juice fasting, particularly some mono juice meals.
Kimberly ♥
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